Mar 10, 2020
Shatto Milk Company recently brought home fourteen awards from the 2020 Los Angeles International Dairy Competition
Shatto Milk Company recently brought home fourteen awards from the 2020 Los Angeles International Dairy Competition – up considerably from the five awards earned at the 2019 competition. The competition takes place annually at the Fairplex Fairgrounds in Pomona, Calif., which is also home to the L.A. County Fair.
Shatto was awarded seven Gold Medals, defined as an outstanding product of superior character, for:
Garlic Butter in the Flavored Butter Category,
Salted Butter in the Butter Salted Category,
Cheddar Cheese Curds – Cajun in the Flavored Hard Cheese Category,
Cheddar Cheese Curds – Garlic in the Flavored Hard Cheese Category,
Chocolate Milk in the Grade A Chocolate Flavored Milk Category,
Heavy Cream in the Grade A Heavy Cream Milk Fat Category,
Root Beer Milk in the Grade A Other Pasteurized Milk Category.
Additionally, Shatto received a Silver Medal for its Honey Butter in the Butter Other Category, Smith Fork Cheddar Cheese in the Medium 3-6 Month Aged Cheddar Category, Bacon Ranch and Jalapeno Garlic Cheese Spreads in the Flavored Spreadable Cheeses Category, Whole Milk in the Grade A Pasteurized Milk Category, Caramel Sea Salt Ice Cream in the Ice Cream full fat Other Flavor Category and Vanilla Ice Cream in the Premium Vanilla Ice Cream Category.
Shatto Milk Company was founded in 2003 and currently continues its operations out of its family farm in Osborn, Mo. The company prides itself in product quality and freshness.
Entries hailed from over 11 states as well as countries like Britain, France, Spain and the Netherlands. Closed Judging occurred on Saturday, February 22, 2020 with results being posted on March 10, 2020. Award winners will be displayed during the 2020 LA County Fair.
Next up, Shatto has plans to provide its internationally award winning products to new customers and new markets through an innovative brand extension. More details to come.
For more information, follow Shatto on Instagram at @shattomilk, on Twitter at @shattomilk and on Facebook @shattomilk, or visit the website at www.shattomilk.com. For pictures of the limited edition products, their cows, bottling facility or to set up a visit to the farm, please contact them directly at 816-930-3862 or by email at matt@shattomilk.com. To place an order through Shatto’s Home Delivery Service, visit www.shattohomedelivery.com.
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New Shatto Creamer Line Announced
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